The numbers below represent only the Sunday afternoon tours. Additional special tours have been conducted for several different groups, including a local chapter of the Red Hat Ladies, a local chapter of the DAR, a group of home school parents, etc.
Participants in the tours have come from Maryland, Washington DC area, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, West Virginia, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Washington state, and California.
We would like to thank our guides and their support team for making the tours possible.
2008 (Our very first year.)
13 Tours
175 Visitors
2009 (Construction of a new roof and chimney for Tudor Hall cut our tour season short.)
9 Tours
135 Visitors
2010 (Additional tours are scheduled for July, Aug., Sept., and Oct. 2010)
14 Tours
220 Visitors
Total To Date (June 27, 2010)
36+ Tours
530+ Visitors!
530+ Visitors!